I Miss My Trusty Protector
Six weeks later, I am still processing my feelings about my journey across the Pacific. There are so many emotions, memories and feelings that surface as I reflect on my experience. Sometimes it is so visceral, and others it feels as though none of it really happened, and I literally have to look back at blog posts, videos and photos to remind myself that we actually did this thing! Haunani and I were such a solid team, and my relationship with her grew deeper than anything I could have anticipated before I left. We went through the trenches together and came out the other side a bit tattered, but more solid than ever before. She is pure heart and soul to me.
Receiving these photos of her broken on the ground took my actual breath away for a minute. She was my breath and support for so many days at sea, and to see her wounded on her side with her trusty rudder snapped off where she hit was painful. It took me a few days to even really share these photos with anyone. They feel so intimate and raw. I know she will be ok again, so I put one foot in front of the other as I (not so) patiently wait for her return. It has been too long already, and I cannot wait to lay hands and eyes on my faithful protector again. Now it is my turn to protect her and that I will, as she gets restored to all her glory!